A propos de ce site | About this site

Je m'appelle Thierry Graff, j'habite en France et je suis programmeur.
Ct : tf.com

Ce site respecte le RGPD (Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données) car il ne stocke pas de données personnelles (il n'utilise même pas de cookies).

Un outil appelé tigsite est utilisé pour faciliter l'écriture de ce site.

Ce site remplace une ancienne version, visible sur archive.org.

Licence d'utilisation

L'intégralité du site est en open data. Vous pouvez choisir entre CC-BY-SA 4 (Creative Common), FDL (Free documentation Licence) et GPL (General Public Licence).
My name is Thierry Graff, I live in France and I'm a programmer.
Ct : tf.com

This site is GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliant because it doesn't store personal data (it doesn't even use cookies).

A tool called tigsite is used to assist the development of this site.

This site replaces an old version, browsable on archive.org.


The integrality of this site is open data ; you can choose between CC-BY-SA 4 (Creative Common), FDL (Free documentation Licence) or GPL (General Public Licence).


Some parts of this site are almost in english. Almost because english is not my native language and there are probably many faults, and because I use some french conventions for capitalization and spaces.
  • The characters ; ? ! are preceeded and followed by a white space.
  • Names of months, weekdays, languages etc. are not always capitalized.
  • White space is used as separator for large numbers
    (for example one million is written 1 000 000).