
The purpose is to build a flexible and convenient tool to practice, document and test astrology and other disciplines with an "irrational" basis, like numerology.
A tool to study the question: Can we detect irrational phenomenon using only rational means, just basic permutations of 0 and 1 ?
This started in 1991 and I wrote a draft version in 2014 (merci polemploi), containing astrology, numerology and genealogy, with individual and collective representations.
I stopped this development for two reasons:
  • Interrogations about graph databases, see below
  • Missing reliable and controled data: I imported Gauquelin data from and implemented statistical tests (chi2) but this was meaningless, because the data are not sorted by emincence. I realized that data is the key point.
So I stopped jetheme to work on data to develop g5 and, a reconstitution of the data used in published statistical tests on astrology between 1955 and 1996, see Astrostats.

Jetheme model

What model do we need for astrology ? I tried to list some characteristics:
  1. Astrology deals with everything, and connects everything to everything.
  2. It deals both with our inner world and the outer world.
  3. We need a model which believes in god, considering that every entity of the model is in direct, immediate and permanent connection with all the other entities.
  4. Everything is meaningful, nothing happens by chance. The notion of symbol permit to express these connections.
To build a first model, I didn't try to integrate all these characteristics, I only considered the point 1, exploring this question : how to model human experience, without being limited by a fixed schema ? The YAGO ontology and its (s,p,o,t,l,x) model responds to this need.
s : subject         this person
p : predicate       married
o : object          this other person
t : time            2024-02-10
l : location
x : context         Any data we want - That's cool !
Jetheme model started with these notions (types) : Person, Event, Group, Place and link, with the types of links :
  • is-a : <Toto> <is-a> <Person> - Constructs an entity of a given type
  • child-of : <Toto> <child-of> <Tutu> - Parent - child relation, used only for persons
  • couple : <Tata> <couple> <Titi> - couple relationship between 2 persons

Data storage